White Princess Philodendron Leaves Turning Pink | A Gorgeous Phenomenon

White Princess Philodendron Leaves Turning Pink

A Gorgeous Phenomenon

Philodendron White Princess is a beautiful and unique houseplant known for its striking white and green variegated leaves. The Philodendron Pink Princess has become the most popular plant at the moment, but it's White variegated sister, the Philodendron White Princess, has become increasingly popular. However, it's not uncommon for these leaves to develop a hint of pink or red pigmentation, and this can be a confusing and unexpected change for many plant owners.

Philodendron White Princess with Pink Leaf

So why do Philodendron White Princess leaves turn pink (hint, it's still not a Philodendron Pink Princess)?

The color change in Philodendron White Princess leaves is caused by a buildup of anthocyanins, a group of pigments that are produced in response to stress. There are several stress factors that can trigger the production of anthocyanins in a Philodendron White Princess plant, including:

  1. Bright light: If a Philodendron White Princess plant is exposed to too much direct sunlight, this can cause the leaves to turn pink as the plant tries to protect itself from the harsh conditions.

  2. Cold temperatures: Cold temperatures can also stress a Philodendron White Princess plant and trigger the production of anthocyanins, causing the leaves to turn pink.

  3. Lack of water: When a Philodendron White Princess plant is not getting enough water, it can become stressed and produce anthocyanins, leading to pink or red leaves. A great way to know if your plant needs water is by measuring it with a moisture meter

  4. Overfertilization: If a Philodendron White Princess plant is fertilized too often or with too much fertilizer, this can cause stress and lead to pink leaves.

It's important to note that the pink coloration in Philodendron White Princess leaves is not harmful to the plant and will usually fade as the stress factor is resolved. However, if the pink coloration becomes persistent and covers a large portion of the plant's leaves, it may be a sign of more serious issues, such as disease or pests, and it's best to seek the advice of a professional.

Generally all plants get their interesting colors from various factors and the Philodendron White Princess is no exception. The leaves turning pink is a natural response to stress, but it's important to identify the cause and address it to ensure the health and longevity of the plant. By providing adequate light, water, and care, you can keep your Philodendron White Princess healthy and beautiful, with stunning white and green leaves that are sure to impress everyone who checks out your houseplant collection.